Im Load From Pickle but Train Again

Pic: Post-obit Instructions in Linguistic communication with Modular Methods

FILM: Following Instructions in Language with Modular Methods
And then Yeon Min, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Pradeep Ravikumar, Yonatan Bisk, Ruslan Salakhutdinov
Carnegie Mellon University, Facebook AI Research

Project Website:


Installing Dependencies

We will also provide docker and singularity setup; see hither.

  • First download the requirements:
              $ pip install -r requirements.txt                          
  • Nosotros use an earlier version of habitat-lab every bit specified below:

Installing habitat-lab:

              git clone cd habitat-lab; git checkout tags/v0.i.5;  pip install -e .                          
  • Install pytorch according to your system configuration. The code is tested on pytorch v1.6.0 and cudatoolkit v10.2. If you are using conda:
              conda install pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 #(Linux with GPU) conda install pytorch==i.6.0 torchvision==0.7.0 -c pytorch #(Mac Os)                          
  • If you desire to visualize semantic sectionalisation outputs, install detectron2 according to your system configuration. (You practice not need to install this unless you want to visualize segemtnation outputs on the egocentric rgb frame every bit in the "segmented RGB" here). If y'all are using conda:
              python -m pip install detectron2 -f #(Linux with GPU) CC=clang CXX=clang++ ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" python -chiliad pip install 'git+' #(Mac Os)                          

Alternatively, you can utilize docker or singularity following instructions here.

Important: AI2THOR depth bug fix for MacOS

If you want to run AI2THOR 2.1.0 on MacOS, you demand to download the information zip of the exactly same version on Linux64. For AI2THOR two.1.0, you can simply follow the instructions hither. For case, refers to

Then unzip the file and supersede all the files on MacOS at


with those for Linux64 at


Download hither.

Additional preliminaries to utilise ALFRED scenes

Please make certain that ai2thor's version is ii.1.0 (if version is newer, ALFRED will break).

  1. Download from here and unzip it, so that alfred_data_small lives equally FILM/alfred_data_small.

  2. Now,

  • Go to 'FILM' directory (this repository).
  • Get to a directory you would like to git clone "alfred". Then run,
              $ git clone $ export ALFRED_ROOT=$(pwd)/alfred                          
  • Now run
              $ cd $ALFRED_ROOT $ python models/train/ --data data/json_feat_2.i.0 --model seq2seq_im_mask --dout exp/model:{model},name:pm_and_subgoals_01 --splits information/splits/oct21.json --gpu --batch 8 --pm_aux_loss_wt 0.1 --subgoal_aux_loss_wt 0.1 --preprocess                          

The will accept 5~15 minutes. You will see this:

스크린샷 2021-04-27 오후 5 51 07

Once the bars for preprocessing are all filled, the code volition break with an fault bulletin. (You tin can ignore and proceed).

  • Now run,
              $ cd $FILM $ mkdir alfred_data_all  $ ln -south $ALFRED_ROOT/data/json_2.i.0 $Film/alfred_data_all                          

Download Trained models

  1. Download "Pretrained_Models_FILM" from this link

  2. Semantic segmentation

              mv Pretrained_Models_FILM/maskrcnn_alfworld models/division/maskrcnn_alfworld                          
  1. Depth prediction
              mv Pretrained_Models_FILM/depth_models models/depth/depth_models                          
  1. Semantic Search Policy

To utilize the model in the original leaderboard entry (26.49%),

              mv Pretrained_Models_FILM/ models/semantic_policy/                          

To use a better perfoming model trained with a new seed (27.80%),

              mv Pretrained_Models_FILM/ models/semantic_policy/                          

Run FILM on Valid/ Tests Sets

Caveat: Multiprocessing (using --num_processes > one) will brand the construction of semantic mapping slower. We recommend that yous employ "--num_processes ii" (or a number effectually 2) and merely run several jobs. (E.k. one task with episodes from 0 to 200, another chore with episodes from 200 to 400, etc)

On your laptop (use learned depth and learned segmentation):

              $ python  -n1 --max_episode_length k --num_local_steps 25  --num_processes 2 --eval_split tests_unseen --from_idx 0 --to_idx 120 --max_fails 10    --debug_local   --learned_depth  --use_sem_seg --set_dn first_run   --use_sem_policy  --save_pictures -5 1                          

For example, to use footing truth depth and learned segmentation, run the in a higher place control without "--learned_depth".

              $ python  -n1 --max_episode_length 1000 --num_local_steps 25  --num_processes two --eval_split tests_unseen --from_idx 0 --to_idx 120 --max_fails 10   --debug_local  --use_sem_seg --set_dn first_run   --use_sem_policy  --save_pictures -v one                          

On a headless machine with gpu:

You lot demand to outset run a Xserver with

              tmux python alfred_utils/scripts/ 0                          

If you set a Xdisplay other than 0 (if you ran python alfred_utils/scripts/ i, for instance), run

(modify ane accordingly to the Xdisplay you lot set up.)

Now, go out of tmux and run the following (modify DISPLAY with what you lot ready due east.g. 1):

              $ python  -n1 --max_episode_length 1000 --num_local_steps 25  --num_processes 2 --eval_split tests_unseen --from_idx 0 --to_idx 120 --x_display DISPLAY  --max_fails 10  --debug_local --learned_depth  --use_sem_seg --which_gpu 1 --sem_gpu_id 0 --sem_seg_gpu 0 --depth_gpu 1 --set_dn first_run   --use_sem_policy  --save_pictures                          

Do non enable "-v 1" on a headless machine.


--max_episode_length: The episode automatically ends subsequently this number of fourth dimension steps.

--num_local_steps: Number of steps by which a new goal is sampled from the random/ semantic search policy.

--num_processes: Number of processes.

--eval_split: 1 of valid_unseen, valid_seen, tests_unseen, tests_seen.

--from_idx: The index of episode to start in the "eval_split".

--to_idx: The index of episode to end in the "eval_split" (e.yard. "--from_idx 0 --to_idx 1" will run the 0th episode).

--x_display: Set up this to the display number y'all have used for xserver (tin employ any number on a estimator with a monitor).

--max_fails: The episode automatically ends later this number of failed deportment.

--debug_local: Debug statement that will print statements that tin help debugging.

--learned_depth: Utilise learned depth (ground truth depth used without it).

--use_sem_seg: Use learned segmentation (ground truth segmentation used without it).

--which_gpu, --sem_gpu_id, --sem_seg_gpu, --depth_gpu (not required): Indices of gpus for semantic mapping, semantic search policy, semantic segmentation, depth. If you assign "--use_sem_seg --which_gpu i --sem_gpu_id 0 --sem_seg_gpu 0 --depth_gpu ane", gpu's of indices 0 and 1 will become nigh equal loads for running two processes simultaneously.

--set_dn (not required): Fix the "name" of this run. The results will be saved in "/results/" under this name. Pictures will also be saved under this name with the --save_pictures flag.

--use_sem_policy: Apply semantic policy (random policy used without this).

--save_pictures: Save the map, fmm_dist (visualization of fast marching method), RGB frame pictures. The pictures will be saved to "pictures/$args.eval_split$/$args.set_dn$"

--appended: Utilize low-level language + loftier-level language

-v: Visualize (show windows of semantic map/ rgb on the monitor). Do non use this on headless mode

Evaluate results for valid sets

The output of your runs are saved in the pickles of "results/analyze_recs/". For example, you may see results like the following in your "results/analyze_recs/". 스크린샷 2022-02-13 오후 3 27 38

Change directory to "results/analyze_recs/" and inside a python3 panel,

              import pickle result1 = pickle.load(open('valid_unseen_anaylsis_recs_from_0_to_120_errorbar_seed1_1100_0_120.p', 'rb')) #num of episodes len(result1) #num of succeeded epsiodes sum([s['success'] for s in result1])                          

Aggregate results over multiple runs if you need to.

Caveat: The above calculates the ground truth SR for valid splits. If you apply this process to examination splits, yous will only become internal/ approximate results.

Export results for the leaderboard


              $ python3 utils/ --dn_startswith WHAT_YOUR_PICKLES_START_WITH --json_name DESIRED_JSON_NAME                          

For example, if the "ls" of "results/leaderboard/" looks like:

스크린샷 2022-02-13 오후 3 11 29

you lot can run

              $ python3 utils/ --dn_startswith errorbar_seed3_1100 --json_name errorbar_seed3_1100                          

The json is saved in "leaderboard_jsons/"; upload this to the leaderboard. Look inside "utils/" for the arguments.

Train Models (Mask-RCNN & Depth, BERT/ Semantic Policy)

Data drove for Mask-RCNN/ Depth

While this repo contains Flick's pre-trained models for Mask-RCNN/ Depth, please respectively refer to repositories of ALFWORLD and HLSM for their training.
To collect RGB/Segmentation mask/Depth mask data as in Movie, follow the protocol below:

Run Moving-picture show with ground truth everything and a random semantic policy and at each step,

  • Execute the electric current activeness

  • With probability of 1/3,

    • Change horizon 0 and Rotate left four times and keep track of the number of objects at each orientation
    • Rotate to the direction with the near # of objects
    • Save RGB/ segmentation mask/ depth mask at horizons 0/ xv
    • With probability of 0.five, salve RGB/ partition mask/ depth mask at horizons xxx/45/60 (0 is when the amanuensis looks straight)
      • If chosen here, rotate 180 degrees and over again save RGB/ division mask/ depth mask at horizons xxx/45/60 (0 is when the agent looks straight)
    • Come back to the original pose
  • Else if the current action is an interaction activeness, with probability of 1/2,

    • Save RGB/ partitioning mask/ depth mask at horizons 0/fifteen/30/45/60
    • Make the agent rotate 180 degrees and save RGB/ segmentation mask/ depth mask at horizons 0/fifteen/30/45/sixty
    • Come up dorsum to the original pose and let it follow Film's alg

Train BERT models

  • Download data and excerpt it as
  • Change directory:
              $ cd models/instructions_processed_LP/BERT                          
  • To railroad train BERT type classification ("base of"),
              $ python3 -lr 1e-5                          

(Use --no_appended to apply loftier level instructions only for training data.)

  • To train BERT argument classification,
              $ python3 --no_divided_label --task mrecep -lr 5e-4                          

(Apply --no_appended to use loftier level instructions only for training data.) Similarly, train models for --chore object, --task parent, --task toggle, --task sliced.

  • To generate the finial output for "amanuensis/",
              $ python3 -sp YOURSPLIT -m MODEL_SAVED_FOLDER_NAME -o OUTPUT_PICKLE_NAME                          

(Again, use --no_appended to employ high level instructions just for training data.)

Download pretraind models:

  • low level instructions merely
  • depression level instructions + loftier level instructions

Railroad train the Semantic Policy

Download information from here and extract it as "models/semantic_policy/data/maps". Run

              $ python3 models/semantic_policy/ --eval_freq 50 --dn YOUR_DESIRED_NAME --seed YOUR_SEED --lr 0.001 --num_epochs 1                          

Look at logs and selection the model with the lowest test loss discipline to train loss < 0.62.

Load your model in and run Movie. If you desire to download a smaller version of the data, it is here; refer to the README inside to use it.

Reproduced results on Tests Unseen beyond multiple runs

Model Proper name SR with high-level linguistic communication SR with high-level + low-level linguistic communication
Model in ICLR submission 24.46 26.49
Seed i (step 1100) 25.51 27.86
Seed 2 (step 1300) 23.48 25.96
Seed iii (step 1100) 23.68 25.64
Seed 4 (stride 1400) 25.18 26.62
Avg 24.87 26.51


Near of alfred_utils comes from Mohit Shridhar's ALFRED repository. models/depth comes from Valts Blukis' HLSM.

Lawmaking for semantic mapping comes from Devendra Singh Chaplot's OGN


              @misc{min2021film,       title={FILM: Following Instructions in Linguistic communication with Modular Methods},        author={So Yeon Min and Devendra Singh Chaplot and Pradeep Ravikumar and Yonatan Bisk and Ruslan Salakhutdinov},       year={2021},       eprint={2110.07342},       archivePrefix={arXiv},       primaryClass={cs.CL} }                  


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